Monday, August 15, 2011

Equal pay for the sexes

Are you having a hard time getting a job? Are you paid what the opposite sex gets paid? Here is a blog for you..

There are an overwhelming amount of women in secretarial, administration, and sales jobs in our country. Both websites provided an eye-opening look at where women are making their money and makes one question the legitimacy of looking for and obtaining employment in fields outside of those mentioned. There has been talk about the desire for women to work in careers that allow flexibility. On the other side of the coin, how often is a woman looked over because she is a woman and a man has applied for the same position? Where can we guarantee, as women, that we score the jobs we want and where can we guarantee that our pay is equal to the men in the same position? What actions must we, as women, take in order to be equal once and for all?
Here are some ideas I’ve come up with that may help women get the job of their dreams.
Be pushy: I feel that women are looked over in many situations just by the name on the resume. We need to make changes to that resume that demand respect and control over our life. We need to make the phone calls after we apply for the job. Don’t be afraid to be told no but don’t let them look over you and your qualifications.
Know the number: When you go to an interview, research current wages for the position you are applying. In a real situation, men WILL talk about income. You must too. When the interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions?”, say yes, and tell them your income desire. Don’t let them hire you over the phone without first talking of pay. Make them negotiate with you. You are important.
Don’t be emotional: I read once that women tend to talk too much. The nerves get involved and women become emotional and worse, lack professionalism because of this. There is another side to this, relax – don’t be too stiff. You want the interviewer to relate with you but you don’t want to do things that are out of your league like liking sports just because it’s a “guys” job. Be yourself, be firm, dress to impress, know your shit and for god sake don’t cry!
Don’t be a Chatty Cathy: Keep all your answers to less than a minute. Watch the signs of the interviewer – are they looking around or are they asking for more by their body language. Use your intuition to know when to shut up. Boldly pronounce your ambitions and your accomplishments. Tell them what you are proud of. Don’t be coy – this is definitely not the time.
Negotiation: It is a fact that women are more emotional. We just are. But, when we are talking about our career and our future, it needs to be locked in the closet. Employers rarely offer their top pay when offering a position; women need to be sure and negotiate with the employer. If they like you and want you, they are going to negotiate. Women tend to get excited and grateful for the job offer but forget to talk about money – probably out of fear. Take fear out of the equation – don’t settle – tell them what you want. That is why they liked you in the first place. Don’t be meek. Talk money. It’s your life.

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